Find our updated Health Awareness Events Calendar for October 2023 here!
Looking for something specific? Contact us today about workplace health expos, workplace health checks, workplace flu vaccinations, and more!
The October Health Calendar of major health awareness days is here!
Here are some ideas for health and wellness this month.
Remember, you can print out the entire year in a fresh look that you can put at your desk here (2MB) and in a linked version (that’s more for keeping on your desktop or laptop) here.
- All October
National Safe Work Australia Month
Encourages everyone to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians. - All October
Mental Health Month
Aims to raise awareness and promote better mental health throughout Australia. - All October
Ocsober (give up alcohol)
A fundraising initiative for Life Education Australia that encourages people to give up alcohol for the month of October. - All October
Foot Health Month
Encourages everyone to look after and love their feet. - All October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease. - All October
Walktober encourages people of all ages to get active. - All October
Shoctober (defibrillator awareness)
A Cardiac Arrest Survival Foundation initiative to help prevent cardiac arrest. - 4 October
World Smile Day
Celebrated on the first Friday in the month of October every year. - 4 October
Walk to Work Day
Encourages everyone to walk more and raising funds for Diabetes Australia. - 6-12 October
Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week is celebrated all around Australia, with each state adopting their own theme and holding its own events each year. - 10 October
World Mental Health Day
A day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. - 10 October
World Sight Day
A global event meant to draw attention to blindness and vision impairment. - 15 October
Global Handwashing Day
Global Handwashing Day is an opportunity to design, test, and replicate creative ways to encourage people to wash their hands with soap at critical times. - 13-19 October
National Nutrition Week
Aims to increase awareness and encourage better nutrition in all Australians. - 13-19 October
Carers Week
National Carers Week is about recognising and celebrating the outstanding contribution unpaid carers make to our nation. - 16 October
Ride to Work Day
The Australian National Ride to Work Day is a commuter cycling social movement and participatory event that encourages commuters to bicycle to and from work. - 20 October
World Osteoporosis Day
Dedicated to raising global awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. - 20 October
Pink Ribbon Day (TBD)
Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day helps raises funds in support of the many thousands of Australian women affected by breast and gynaecological cancers. - 20-27 October
Sock it to Suicide Week
Every year during ‘Sock It To Suicide Week’ everyone is encouraged to wear bright coloured Socks/Stockings to their workplace and raise funds for the White Wreath Association.