The winner is… Sarah Swyer, Human Resource Systems Officer for Central Coast Council, Tasmania.
Sarah wins 30 of our 30th Anniversary Wellness Packs to share with her colleagues. Enjoy guys!
Here’s Sarah’s entry:
“I imagine in 30 years time looking back at my suggestions below will be a bit like looking at my Dad’s first “mobile” phone. Things will have come a long way by then, although with what I know today here is my vision:
Do you remember the glass of milk that we were given at school as children? I think this should be brought back not only at schools but introduced to workplaces as well – handed out (free of charge) by the modern day “tea lady” with a piece of fruit every day.
I’d also like to see the demise of fundraising chocolates with them being replaced by fundraising efforts that engage the workforce, healthily. An initiative ran by one of my colleagues recently was a $4 bowl of homemade soup and a bread roll with all monies being donated to Relay for Life.
Somewhat already in practice, although perhaps experimentally at the moment, I’d like to see “standing” workstations become the norm.
To enhance the mental capacity of employees, I’d like to see the introduction of a Time Out Room – a room that can be booked out by all employees (individually), just like a meeting room. Every employee would be entitled to an hour a week in the Room which should be encouraged by Leaders.
The basis of this room will be to completely disconnect from everyday distractions. All technology must be left at the door whilst the employee enjoys time by themselves to reflect, think, meditate etc. I’m imagining bean bags, relaxing music, mood lighting…
Perhaps the room could also be used as an incentive or stress management tool – to recognise good performance or to help manage stress in the workplace, Leaders could have the capacity to offer Time Out Room Vouchers, for additional time in the Room.
To recognise an employee’s long service leave, I’d like to see the introduction of a paid Wellness Retreat to help the employee unwind and relax prior to completing the rest of their break.
My vision includes the introduction of a 1.5 hour lunch break a few times a week for those who exercise – this would allow time to exercise, shower etc. and eat lunch!
I’d also like to see the inclusion of Health and Wellbeing in the induction process. We train all employees in Anti-Discrimination Policies/Bullying etc., why don’t we train all of our employees on what is a healthy diet, simple cooking classes, stress management etc.
Finally, I’d like to see the increase in Health and Wellbeing Budgets, which would of course allow us to implement some of our ideas over the next 30 years.”
Relevant posts: Enter our 30th Anniversary Competition