Digital Newsletters & Resources
Educate your employees with expert health information, techniques and strategies to help them take control of their personal health, wellbeing and safety
Our range of health booklets and eBooks are a great motivator for behaviour change, giving your employees the information and tools they need to make real improvements to their health. They help your employees understand the causes of key health problems, and give them step by step information on how to manage and improve their health.
Each booklet and eBook is written by an industry expert from the health and wellness sector. The booklets and eBooks are easy to read, engaging and full of proactive advice. They are either 8 pages or 12 pages.
”Provide your employees with the latest information, techniques and strategies to help them manage their health and safety at work
Your options
All topics are available as online eBooks.
The booklets and eBooks can be customised with your company logo to make it look like your company’s publication.