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In recent years, more organisations have placed their employees’ wellbeing at the forefront of their priorities. One of the trends supporting this is the increasing number of workplace health expos, which serve as a powerful platform for promoting employee health. Workplace health expos promote healthier lifestyles, and most importantly, foster a sense of community within the workplace. Hosting a workplace health expo is a great way to show your employees that you are invested in their health and wellbeing. However, as with any large-scale event, planning a workplace health expo comes with its own set of challenges. From selecting the right vendors to ensuring participation and engagement, organisers have their work cut out for them. It’s essential to approach these events with a well-thought-out strategy to ensure their success and maximise their impact.

Here, we share some of our top tips for hosting a successful workplace expo that will be memorable for your employees and have great outcomes for your organisation.

1. Define your workplace health expo’s purpose

At the heart of every successful event lies a clear and well-defined purpose. Before diving into the logistics of your workplace health expo, take a moment to understand who you’re hosting it for. Is it for a team that spends hours at their desks and might benefit from ergonomic solutions? Or for a group that’s keen on mental wellbeing and stress management? Identifying your target audience will guide the selection of relevant health topics and discussions tailored to their needs. Defining clear objectives will also help you develop benchmarks for measuring the event’s success.  Whether it’s raising awareness about a specific health issue, introducing new wellness programs, or simply fostering a culture of health, having a defined purpose ensures your expo is both meaningful and impactful.

2. Choose the location

Selecting the right location is also crucial for your workplace health expo’s success. First, consider accessibility. Your venue should be easy for attendees to locate and reach. Next, evaluate the space. Does it have enough room for all the booths, and interactive sessions? Is there space for attendees to move around comfortably without feeling cramped? Lastly, ensure the venue aligns with your workplace health expo’s theme. For instance, if you’re focusing on fitness and physical activity, a venue with open spaces for live demonstrations or workout sessions might be ideal. By ensuring your venue checks these boxes, you’re laying the foundation for an engaging and memorable event.

3. Curate engaging content

The content you present at your workplace health expo can make or break the experience for attendees. At Healthworks, our expos offer a mix that caters to various interests and learning styles. Some content types we always recommend include:


These are hands-on sessions where attendees can learn new skills or practices. For instance, a workshop on “Healthy meal prep for busy professionals” would be a hit at an expo targeting corporate employees. Workshops offer practical takeaways and are often more intimate, allowing for personalised interactions.

Keynote speakers

These are the pillars of your workplace health expo, delivered by experts or influential figures in the health and wellness industry. A keynote on “The future of workplace wellness” could set the tone for an expo focused on forward-thinking health strategies. Such speeches provide attendees with insights, trends, and inspiration.

Interactive sessions

Think beyond traditional lectures. Interactive sessions, like a group meditation or a fitness challenge, can be both fun and educational. They’re especially effective for younger audiences or expos with a focus on active lifestyles.

4. Include diverse exhibitions

The richness of a workplace health expo is often mirrored in the diversity of its exhibitions. By including a varied lineup, attendees are exposed to a comprehensive array of health insights, and services that cater to their multifaceted needs.

5. Promote early and widely

The success of a workplace health expo hinges not only on the day’s events but also on the buzz and anticipation built beforehand. To ensure maximum participation, it’s crucial to kick off promotions well in advance. Harness the power of internal communication channels. Use company newsletters, emails, and intranet posts to keep employees informed about the expo’s highlights, key exhibitors, and scheduled activities. Regular updates can keep the event top of mind and build excitement. Social media, especially platforms like LinkedIn, can be instrumental if your organisation is large or spread across multiple locations. Sharing teaser content, spotlighting keynote speakers, and posting countdowns can engage employees and encourage them to mark their calendars. Offering early bird incentives, such as exclusive workshops or first-access to certain booths, can also drive early registrations. This not only boosts participation but aids in logistical planning.

6. Prioritise accessibility

Inclusivity should be at the heart of every workplace health expo. Ensuring that every employee can fully participate and benefit from the event is paramount. Physical accessibility is a foundational concern. Choose a venue that is wheelchair accessible, with ramps, elevators, and wide pathways. Consider the layout of booths and activity areas, ensuring they are spaced out to avoid congestion and allow easy movement for everyone. If possible, provide seating areas near stages or presentation areas for those who may need to rest or have difficulty standing for extended periods. Language inclusivity is equally vital, especially in diverse workplaces. If your organisation has a considerable number of employees who speak a language other than the primary one used at the expo, consider offering translation services or interpreters. Printed materials, such as brochures or schedules in multiple languages, should be requested where needed. By prioritising accessibility, you not only ensure that the expo is a welcoming space for all employees but also reinforce the message that health and wellbeing are universal rights, not privileges. Making every effort to accommodate everyone’s needs demonstrates a genuine commitment to the wellbeing of the entire workforce.

7. Make it interactive

An engaging workplace health expo goes beyond passive presentations and static booths. To truly captivate attendees and make the event memorable, infuse it with interactive elements that allow employees to immerse themselves in the experience.

Fitness demos

Fitness demos can be a hit. Whether it’s a 15-minute group yoga session, a quick functional conditioning routine, or a demonstration of proper lifting techniques for office equipment, these live sessions can energise attendees and offer them practical skills to take back to their desks.

Health screenings

Health screenings are another excellent interactive feature. Offering basic checks, such as blood pressure, glucose levels, or posture assessments, can provide immediate value to attendees. Not only do they get a snapshot of their health, but they also could engage with health professionals on the spot.

Interactive booths

Interactive booths can range from hands-on nutrition workshops, where employees can make their own healthy snacks, to tech-driven experiences, like meditation sessions or ergonomic workstation setups. The key is to encourage participation, engagement, and direct involvement.

8. Cater to all dietary needs

Food plays a pivotal role in any event, and at a health expo, it’s not just about satiating hunger but also about promoting wellbeing and inclusivity. Recognising and accommodating the diverse dietary needs of your workforce is essential to ensure everyone feels valued and included. It’s a small touch that can have a significant impact on how the event is perceived and appreciated. Allergies are a primary concern. With common allergens like nuts, dairy, and gluten, it’s crucial to have clear labeling on all food items. This not only helps those with allergies to make safe choices but also underscores your organisation’s attention to detail and care for its employees. Dietary restrictions, whether due to religious beliefs, health reasons, or personal choices, are increasingly common. Offering vegetarian, vegan, halal, kosher, or low-sugar options ensures that everyone has something to enjoy. It’s not just about having these options available, but also ensuring they are as delicious and varied as the regular fare. Lastly, general preferences matter. While it’s impossible to cater to every individual taste, providing a diverse spread—from salads and wraps to more hearty options—ensures there’s something for everyone.

9. Offer networking opportunities

While the primary focus of a workplace health expo is on promoting wellbeing, it also presents a golden opportunity for employees to connect, share experiences, and build relationships. Encouraging networking can add another layer of value to the event. In larger organisations, employees from different departments or locations might not often cross paths. The expo can serve as a platform for them to meet, discuss common interests, and perhaps even collaborate on future wellness initiatives. Creating dedicated spaces for networking is a good start. Think of cozy corners with comfortable seating, or even designated “networking zones” where attendees can gather for informal chats. These spaces can be equipped with conversation starters or prompts related to health and wellness to kickstart discussions. Additionally, consider organising specific networking sessions. These could be short, structured activities where attendees rotate and chat with different individuals, ensuring they meet a diverse group of colleagues. By facilitating these connections, you’re not only enhancing the expo experience but also fostering a sense of community within the workplace. After all, wellbeing is not just about individual health but also about the health of our relationships and connections.

10. Gather feedback for improvement

Every workplace health expo is a learning opportunity. While the immediate goal is to promote health and wellbeing, the long-term vision should be to continually refine and improve the event. And the key to this evolution? Feedback from the attendees. Post-event reflection is invaluable. It offers insights into what worked, what didn’t, and where there’s room for growth. By actively seeking feedback, organisers demonstrate a commitment to excellence and show attendees that their opinions are valued. Feedback forms and surveys are practical tools for this purpose. These can be distributed at the end of the expo or sent digitally to all participants. Questions should be concise and cover various aspects of the event, from the quality of the content and exhibitors to the effectiveness of the interactive sessions. Open-ended questions can also be included to capture qualitative feedback and suggestions. For instance, asking attendees what topics they’d like to see covered in future expos can provide direction for subsequent events.

11.  Celebrate and acknowledge participants

Every successful workplace health expo is a collective effort, and recognising the contributions of all involved is essential. Celebrating and acknowledging participants not only wraps up the event on a high note but also fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation, which can be instrumental in ensuring continued engagement in future initiatives. For attendees, recognition can be more about the collective experience. Share highlights from the expo on internal communication channels, spotlighting memorable moments, key takeaways, and even attendee testimonials. This not only serves as a recap but also celebrates the community spirit of the event. Feedback contributors deserve a special mention. By acknowledging their input, you emphasise the importance of continuous improvement and show that their opinions are genuinely valued. In essence, recognition isn’t just about grand gestures. It’s about creating moments of gratitude, big and small, that resonate with everyone involved, reinforcing the message that their participation and contributions are integral to the event’s success.

12. Contact the Healthworks team today

We have many years of experience running successful workplace health expos and are here to guide and support you through every step of the process.  With our expertise and dedication, we can help you craft an unforgettable wellness event tailored to your organisation’s unique needs. If you’re eager to get started or have any questions, please reach out to our team today or learn more about our workplace health expos. Let’s work together to create a healthier, happier workplace!


Author Healthworks

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