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Workplace Hearing Tests

Our workplace hearing checks provide your employees with a personal and confidential assessment of their current hearing status.

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Onsite Audiometry Testing by Healthworks

Our audiometric testing is conducted onsite at your workplace and offers a convenient and cost-effective way to monitor your employee’s hearing over time.

During the hearing assessment, a questionnaire is completed covering general health of ears, family history, previous problems, and work related and non-work-related noise stress. Our assessors use an audiometer to perform a hearing assessment called “pure tone audiometry”. This audiometer produces a range of beeps and whistles that can be heard through specially designed noise reducing headphones. The candidate is required to press a button or otherwise indicate when a sound is heard.

Any participants that require further attention will be referred on to a specialist.

Why Do Workplace Audiometric Testing?

For most, hearing loss is a gradual onset as you age. In fact, most people are unaware that their hearing is in decline until they start to experience symptoms such as asking people to repeat themselves.

As a result, poor hearing can cause a host of problematic health and safety issues in the workplace. It can cause employees to be easily distracted, or to have difficulty when listening, and it can also cause communication breakdown and frustration within teams.

In order to ensure your employees’ hearing and ears are functioning as efficiently as possible, it is vital to identify any hearing loss as quickly as possible. This can be achieved by monitoring your hearing with annual workplace hearing tests.

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What is Included in a Workplace Hearing Test?

Healthworks provides workplace hearing tests for employees across Australia. Our expert medical professionals provide personal and confidential assessment of your employees’ current hearing status. Our hearing assessments include: 

During the check, a hearing questionnaire is completed covering general health of ears, family history, previous problems, and work related and non-work related noise stress.  An Audiometer is used to test a participant’s hearing at various decibels. Participants requiring further attention are then referred on to a specialist.

Our testing is conducted by an appropriately trained and experienced staff, using procedures and pure tone audiometry equipment that comply with Part 4: Auditory assessment of AS/NZS 1269: Occupational noise management.

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Workplace Hearing Tests FAQs

Who should get a hearing assessment?

Employees who are exposed to noise in the workplace, particularly at levels that exceed safe limits, should have a hearing assessment. This includes workers in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and mining, or any environment with high noise levels.

Additionally, employees who notice changes in their hearing, such as difficulty understanding speech or ringing in the ears, should also consider having an assessment. Regular assessments are essential for workers routinely exposed to hazardous noise.

How often should you get a hearing check?

The frequency of hearing checks depends on the level of noise exposure and workplace regulations. In many workplaces, hearing checks should be carried out annually, especially for employees exposed to high levels of noise.

However, the specific timing may vary depending on local regulations or company policies. Workers with a history of hearing issues may require more frequent checks.

Can employees opt out of workplace hearing tests?

In most workplaces, employees are encouraged or required to take part in hearing tests, particularly if they are exposed to hazardous noise levels. However, whether employees can opt out depends on the workplace policy and relevant regulations.

In some cases, employees may refuse testing, but this could be problematic if the workplace requires regular health assessments for safety compliance.

Are hearing assessments mandatory for workplaces?

Yes, in Australia, hearing assessments are mandatory for workplaces with high noise levels, in accordance with occupational health and safety regulations.

These assessments are required to monitor and prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Specific regulations may vary depending on the industry, but workplaces with noise hazards are generally required to provide regular hearing assessments for employees as part of their health and safety obligations.

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You Can Trust Healthworks To Deliver An Expert Onsite Hearing Check Service

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