Ambulance Victoria’s Functional Conditioning Program

Initial Assessment Consent

Full Name
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Email address
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Mobile number
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Select your initial assessment date:
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What does the assessment involve?

  • During this assessment, you will be taken through a number of tests by the Health Professional that attempt to replicate some of the movements and activities you complete onsite

  • These tests will be used to identify where potential sources of injury may evolve from

  • You will then be given a personalised exercise program to be completed independently at home

  • The Health Professional will provide you with a handout that details your exercises

  • The Health Professional will meet with you to review your exercises on a fortnightly basis and progress them accordingly

  • You will be retested again in 8 weeks to assess for changes and improvements.

Why do I need to complete this assessment?

  • Injuries will often arise due to deficiencies in certain movements patterns, with these deficiencies often remaining hidden until an injury occurs

  • A functional assessment aims to identify such issues before they become a problem and result in an injury

  • By analysing certain movement patterns and functional tasks, the Health Professional is able to obtain a broader picture of how your body moves and then direct treatment to target any of these dysfunctions

What if I had never experienced an injury or have no pain?

  • If you have never experienced an injury or are not experiencing any pain At the moment, this does not mean that functional testing is not important for you

  • Often our body’s learn to move in ways to overcome weaknesses or deficiencies and although in the short term this may be helpful to complete the task at hand, long-term this is not ideal

  • Repetitive tasks and/or manual tasks often result in the small micro-tears in muscles and can create muscle imbalances

  • Although often not painful, it is these small tears or imbalances, that if not treated early, can manifest into more significant problems in the future

How is my information handled?

  • Healthworks will not share your functional assessment measurements with Ambulance Victoria on an individual level and only as part of a deidentified group to provide a high-level summary on the program.

  • The completion page document which is completed at the end of the program will be completed with the physio to provide feedback on the program.

  • Healthworks will use your mobile number to send automatic text message reminders throughout the program to assist with compliance and program engagement


  • I understand that my attendance in this program is voluntary. For operational reasons, I understand my manager will be aware of my attendance.

  • I am aware that the information captured in this assessment will be stored by Healthworks and any reporting will be deidentified group results, but not individual results, will be shared with my employer.

  • I consent to receiving weekly text messages from Healthworks to assist with compliance and program adherence

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