Healthworks Provider Survey 2024


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. As part of our annual quality and compliance processes we are updating our records to ensure we have your current certificates and registrations in our system.

Please complete our provider questionnaire. If we identify areas where we consider you may need additional certifications, we will get in contact with you.

The Healthworks Team

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Qualifications & Certifications

What is your name?
Full Name
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What is your mobile number?
Mobile number
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What is your email address?
Email address
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Field is required!
What is your address? (This address is used for sending you equipment)
Delivery address
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Field is required!
Are you currently registered with any of the following bodies?
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your Dietitians Australia (DA) registration expiry date
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) registration expiry date
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration expiry date
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Do you hold a current First Aid certification?
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your First Aid Certification registration expiry date
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Do you hold a current CPR certification?
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your CPR Certification registration expiry date
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​Do you currently have professional indemnity insurance?
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Field is required!
Registration Expiry Date:
Your Professional Indemnity Insurance expiry date
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Field is required!

Please send though a copy of your documentation to Please tick to confirm these have been sent.

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Tick all that apply:
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Do you have any questions about the requirements above?
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In 2024, what is your availability for work with Healthworks?

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Tick all that apply:
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Do you have any comments about your availability? (e.g. after 12 pm only on Tuesdays)
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Do you have any holiday periods in 2024 that we should be aware of?
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Do you have a Healthworks shirt?
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Shirt Style: Male or Female
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size M,L,XL available
enter size M, L or XL
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sizes 10-18 available
enter size 10, 12, 14, 16 or 18
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Field is required!

Refresher Training and IT requirements

As part of our quality control processes, we will be scheduling a refresher training session next year for anyone who has not attended a refresher in the last 2 years. Have you completed any refresher training for services in the last 2 years?

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Have you completed any refresher training for services in the last 2 years?
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Field is required!

Healthworks will be transitioning to an online platform to collect and store health data. We will be training you how to use this system in early 2024.

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Do you have access to a laptop that you can bring with you to Healthworks service delivery?
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