Are you eating for health? Please answer the below questions, based on an average day or an average week for you.
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On average, how many serves of fruit do you eat per day?
A serve is 1 medium piece or 2 small pieces of fresh fruit, or 1 cup of chopped or canned fruit (no added sugar).
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On average, how many serves of vegetables do you eat per day?
A serve is ½ cup cooked vegetables (hot chips don’t count!) or 1 cup of salad.
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How often do you choose wholegrains?
Such as high fibre breakfast cereal, wholemeal bread, brown rice, brown pasta
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On average, how many serves of dairy or dairy alternatives do you eat per day?
1 serve = glass 250ml of milk or calcium enriched alternative milk, 200g tub yoghurt , 40g cheese
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On average, how many serves of lean meat or chicken, fish, eggs, nuts or legumes do you consume each day?
1 serve = lean skinless poultry or lean red meat (approx. 100g), fish and seafood (approx. 200g), eggs (2), legumes (approx. 100g) or tofu (approx. 100g), nuts (20g)
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On average, how much water do you drink every day? (including herbal tea)
Limit drinks with added sugars include soft drinks, cordial, energy drinks and sports drinks.
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On average, how often do you eat takeaway foods each week?
These are takeaways such as pizzas, burgers, chips or other fried foods
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On average, how often do you eat store-bought cakes, muffins, chocolate, ice cream, pastries, pies & biscuits each week?
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Do you limit salty foods to once a week or less, & avoid adding salt during cooking or at the table?
These include processed meats such as salami & bacon, crisps,& salty snacks.
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On average, how many alcoholic beverages do you consume each week?
1 standard drink = 1000mL wine or sparkling wine, 30mL spirit, 285 mL beer (1 x middy/pot) or 425mL low strength beer (1 x schooner)
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Your Score
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Under 8: Needs improvement to keep you healthy
8-14: Could make some improvements for optimal health
15-20: Nutrition is on track for good health!
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