1. Diagnose your company’s needs and based health status through survey and consultation. A needs assessment forms an important part of an evidence-based approach.
In order to select the right kind of strategies it is important to clearly define the issues. You will need to use evidence from research, collected data and information generated from internal Health Risk Appraisals.
Health Risk Appraisal – consists of a health survey (usually online) to provide individuals with a personal report and the organisation with an aggregate summary report on Health Risk Factors, Stages of readiness to change and ROI data. This initiative is critical in collecting information to develop a tailored and appropriate Corporate Health Program.
Focus Groups allow Felt needs to be expressed by staff and provide greater empowerment and involvement in the design of the program leading to greater participation.
Data history form other resources within your organisation OH&S, HR, EAP etc. including managements key objectives
2. Design and Develop a tailored program to meet your organisations requirements found from the initial needs analysis and align with corporate strategy.
During this phase is also important to set clear goal and SMART objectives allowing direction and an evaluation plan to be monitored throughout the program.
Annual Program/Strategy or ad hoc initiatives including but not limited to educational seminars, literature, health assessments, health expos, motivational programs etc.
Launch Program to set the scene introduce achieve buy in from all stakeholders (management, employees, team implementing on organisations behalf)
Target specific groups/topics. Provide a variety of initiatives involving mixed interventions and approaches to ensure greater REACH of your program.
3. Deliver the initiatives within the organisation ensuring buy in from all stakeholders creating a supportive environment and high participation.
Need ensure the service provider/specialist delivering the service responds to client needs and works closely with company representative, this will ensure quality service with accountability.
It is of upmost importance that the specialist engaged is highly experienced and personable to assist in creating positive experiences for participants to be engaged and empowered which will ultimately lead to individuals taking responsibility for their own health.
4. Demonstrate the impact of the program through qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Continual feedback and reporting is essential to gather data for comparison and be able to redirect the program as the organisation culture adapts.
We believe it is important to not only advise management of the health status of the organisation but also to disseminate the results and information to all stakeholders to ensure continuous and future support.
5. Re design and develop program leveraging from results, at any of these stages you can consult a Corporate Health Promotion provider or consultant to assist in all stages of the program or specific phases.