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Corporate Health Promotion and Productivity

By 16/03/2010November 21st, 2018No Comments

The focus on improving business performance and productivity is no longer concentrated around the strategic areas of marketing, technology and finance but rather…

  • Corporate Health Promotion
  • Corporate Health Productivity

By assisting employees to better manage their own health and wellbeing organisations are able to reduce their exposure to the direct and indirect costs associated with poor health.

Companies are realising one of the greatest opportunities for improving business performance is through the development and retentions of their human resources – they represent up to 70% of costs in most businesses and the potential for improving significant.

Poor health accounts for up to a 5% loss in productivity in the Australian workforce with the unhealthiest group reporting 13% drop in productivity based on international valid criteria.

The productive difference between healthy and unhealthy employees is up to 18% depending on the number of risk factors.

Medibank Private (2007) demonstrated that high risk employees with 5 or more risk factors (ie. High cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, inactivity, smoking and the effects of psychological stress etc), attend work but are not as productive over 30% of the time, compared to low risk employees with 2 or less health risk factors who are not as productive14.5% of the time.

Furthermore, in 2008 a survey involving 19000 Australian employees found in part: 10% of respondents said their work makes them unwell or ill 13% claimed that stress was an issue in their job making I difficult to sleep at night 56% of participants claim the workplace should be responsible in providing program to contribute to the health and wellbeing of employees.

The Government now realises the importance of a health population in the workplace for our nation and employers are realizing this importance on productivity and their bottom line. No wonder the Corporate Health sector has become a specialized consulting arm for organisations.

For more information on Corporate Health Promotion, and Corporate Health Productivity contact Healthworks on 1300 90 10 90 (International: IDD 61-2-9954-1888 ) or email


Author Healthworks

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